Thursday, July 23, 2009


OH YAY! finally. I learnt how to use a new software this week. It is called Adobe Premiere Pro and it is a video editing software. Apparently I was following closely when Yokeee was teaching but somehow halfway through I lost track and got lost.

I had to depend on my friends for help as they understood it better than me.
Assignment was given, and I tried to complete it but can't because there was an eror with the downloaded file. After trying a few times, it still can't be installed properly, so decided to use the one in school. While doing in school, a classmate told me that I can use iMovie instead.
This led to me using iMovie.

I found iMovie to be a fun tool and obviously I had fun doing the assignment.
I am still thankful though for the chance to learn Adobe Premiere. Both softwares are excellent and will help me in the future, I think. This assignment was cool as I have some interest in movie-making and allows me to explore a little on that part.

HEE. so here's the video link :D

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